Resting with the Earth – May 21

Dear Interbeing friends,

In homage to the ancient ritual of Sabbath, let us gather this Sunday to rest. ๐Ÿข

In the flurry of Spring and the infinitely expanding demands of the modern age, we gather together in the most peaceful of protests, to defy the dandelion-fluff dispersion of our attention and remember the eternal pulse of our greater body – earth – our home.

What allows you to rest?
How do you de-colonise time?

May 21st, 1pm, Tempelhofer Feld

Join us for a deeply embodied inquiry with plenty of time, where weโ€™ll use the languages of Gaga and Alexander- technique, to slip out of the reach of Kronosโ€™ (the greek god of time) whip and soften, perhaps, into a stretched perception of timeโ€™s reality. ๐Ÿช†๐ŸŒป

NOTE: This service will involve movement (accessible to all abilities and disabilities), so please wear clothes youโ€™re comfortable moving in. Please also consider bringing a hat, water and something to sit on as we will meet in the partial shade on Temlehofer Feld (weather permitted). A dropped pin will be shared in the telegram thread on Sunday morning.

Let us loaf, leisurely, like this timeless turtle toward Sunday,

See you then. ๐ŸŒž